Lesson 1

The Group Insurance Contract【团体保险合同】


  • group insurance: A method of providing life or health insurance coverage for a group of people under one insurance contract.
    • 团体保险:根据一份保险合同为一群人提供人寿或健康保险的一种方法。
  • master group insurance contract: An insurance contract that insures a number of people.
    • 主团体保险合同:为多人投保的保险合同。
  • group insured: An individual covered by a group insurance policy. He isn’t a party to the group insurance contract.
    • 团体被保险人:由团体保险单承保的个人。他不是团体保险合同的一方。
  • group policyholder: The person or organization that decides what types of group insurance coverage to purchase for a specific group, negotiates the terms of the group insurance contract, and purchases the group insurance coverage.
    • 团体投保人:决定为特定团体购买何种类型的团体保险、协商团体保险合同条款并购买团体保险的个人或组织。

Requirements for a Valid Contract

  • The parties to the contract must mutually agree to the contract’s terms 合同双方必须相互同意合同条款
  • The parties must have contractual capacity 当事人必须具有合同行为能力
  • The parties must exchange legally adequate consideration 双方必须在法律上交换充分的对价
  • The parties must enter into the contract for a lawful purpose 当事人必须为合法目的订立合同
    • Group insurance contracts have no insurable interest requirement. 团体保险合同没有保险利益要求。

Ownership and Group Insurance Plans【所有权和团体保险计划】

  • certificate of insurance: A document that describes the coverage that the group insurance contract provides and a group insured’s rights under the contract.

    • 保险证书:描述团体保险合同提供的保险范围以及团体被保险人在合同下的权利的文件。团体被保险人不会获得主团体保险合同的副本,但有保险证书可以参考,而且团体被保险人可能需要支付部分保费。
  • noncontributory plan:A group insurance plan for which insured group members are not required to pay any part of the group insurance premium.

    • 非缴费计划:被保险的团体成员无需支付团体保险费的任何部分的团体保险计划。
  • contributory plan:A group insurance plan under which insured group members must pay part or all of the premium for their coverage.

    • 缴费计划:一种团体保险计划,根据该计划,被保险的团体成员必须支付其保险范围的部分或全部保费。

Group Insurance Characteristics【团体保险特点】

  • self-administered plan: A group insurance plan for which the group policyholder is responsible for handling the administrative and recordkeeping aspects of the plan.
    • 自我管理计划:集团投保人负责处理该计划的行政和记录方面的集团保险计划。
  • insurer-administered plan: A group insurance plan for which the insurer is responsible for handling the administrative and recordkeeping aspects of the plan.
    • 由保险公司管理的计划:由保险公司负责处理该计划的管理和记录方面的团体保险计划。

Group Insurance Underwriting【团体保险承保】

Groups Typically Eligible for Group Insurance:

  • A single-employer group that includes employees of a single employer. This is the most common type of insured group.
    • 包括单个雇主的雇员的单个雇主组。这是最常见的被保险群体类型。
  • A group that consists of the members of a labor union.
    • 由工会成员组成的团体。
  • A multiple employer group that consists of employees of two or more employers or labor unions.
    • 由两个或多个雇主或工会的雇员组成的多雇主团体。
  • An association group that consists of people who share a common bond, such as being in the same profession or being alumni of the same university.
    • 一个由有共同纽带的人组成的协会团体,例如从事同一职业或是同一所大学的校友。
  • A debtor-creditor group that consists of people who have borrowed from a lending institution.
    • 由从贷款机构借款的人组成的债务人-债权人团体。
  • A credit union group that consists of the members of one or more credit unions.
    • 由一个或多个信用合作社的成员组成的信用合作社组。

Requirements for group underwriting include

  1. Group must exist for a reason other than to get insurance 集团存在的原因必须不是为了获得保险

  2. Group size affects the underwriter’s ability to accurately estimate loss rate. 集团规模影响承销商准确估计损失率的能力

  3. Need a steady flow of new members to keep a stable age distribution 需要稳定的新成员流动,以保持稳定的年龄分布

  4. Group must exist for a reasonable length of time, and its composition mustremain relatively stable over time. 群体必须存在一段合理的时间,其组成必须随着时间的推移保持相对稳定

  5. Participation requirements prevent antiselection 参与要求防止反选举

  6. Benefit levels—the group member does not select the benefit level 福利级别–组成员不能选择福利级别

  7. A group is assigned a risk classification based on the group’s normal activities. 根据小组的正常活动,为小组分配风险分类。

  • Although the size of the group doesn’t affect the loss rate, it does affect the underwriter’s ability to accurately estimate the group’s loss rate. The smaller the group, the more difficult it is.

    • 虽然集团的规模不会影响损失率,但它确实会影响承销商准确估计集团损失率的能力。小组越小,难度就越大。
  • New members into a group affect the group’s risk characteristics. To be insurable, a group must have a relatively steady inflow of new members to replace departing members and to keep the age distribution of the group stable.

    • 新成员进入团队是会影响团队的风险特征。要想获得保险,一个群体必须有相对稳定的新成员流入,以取代离开的成员,并保持群体的年龄分布稳定。
  • But to reduce antiselection, most insurers require at least 75% of eligible members to participate in a contributory plan. When a plan is noncontributory, 100% of eligible group members MUST BE covered.

    • 但为了减少反选举,大多数保险公司要求至少75%的合格会员参加缴费计划。当计划是非强制性的时,必须覆盖100%的合格团体成员。

The insured, rather than the policyholder, names the beneficiary. 受益人是被保险人而不是投保人。Group only

Underwriting looks at potential administrative costs associated with the contract. 承保着眼于与合同相关的潜在管理成本。Group only


1.In order to provide its employees with life insurance coverage, the Oxygen Corporation entered into a group life insurance contract with the Zephyr Insurance Company. The following statements areabout this situation. Select the answer choice containing the correct statement.

  • The parties to this group life insurance contract are Oxygen, Oxygen’s employees, and Zephyr.
  • In order to obtain this group life insurance contract, Oxygen was required to have an insurable interest in the lives of its covered employees.
  • Oxygen’s employees are the group insureds for this group life insurance contract.
  • Oxygen must give each covered employee a copy of the master group insurance contract.


  • 该团体人寿保险合同的当事人是Oxygen、Oxygen的员工和Zephyr。
  • 为了获得该团体人寿保险合同,Oxygen被要求对其承保员工的生活具有可保利益。
  • Oxygen的员工是本团体人寿保险合同的团体被保险人。
  • Oxygen必须向每个受保员工提供一份主团体保险合同的副本。

2.The Stellar Company pays the entire premium for a group life insurance plan that insures the lives of its eligible employees. In this situation, Stellar’s group life insurance plan is an example of a

  • contributory plan, and at least 75% of Stellar’s eligible employees must be covered by this plan
  • contributory plan, and 100% of Stellar’s eligible employees must be covered by this plan
  • noncontributory plan, and at least 75% of Stellar’s eligible employees must be covered by this plan
  • noncontributory plan, and 100% of Stellar’s eligible employees must be covered by this plan


  • 缴费计划,Stellar至少75%的合格员工必须参加该计划
  • 缴费计划,Stellar 100%符合条件的员工必须参加该计划
  • 非缴费作计划,并且Stellar至少75%的合格员工必须包含在该计划中
  • 非缴费计划,Stellar 100%符合条件的员工必须包含在该计划中

3.The Jasper Corporation offers group lfe insurance to its eligible employees through a contract with the Calendar Insurance Company. Jasper is responsible for handling the administrative and recordkeeping aspects of this group life insurance plan, which means that Jasper’s plan is (an insurer-administered / a self-administered) plan. Calendar’s administrative expenses for this plan are(lower / higher) than they would be if Calendar handled the administrative and recordkeeping aspects of the plan.


4.The following groups have applied for group life insurance coverage from the Plentiful Insurance Company:

​ • Group A: Workers who are members of the Bakers Union of America

​ • Group B: A small group of individuals who formed a club to get a group insurance policy

​ • Group C: The full-time employees of the Nutmeg Corporation

​ • Group D: The members of the March Credit Union

Of these groups, the one that, based on the reason for its existence, will likely fail to qualify for group insurance coverage is

  • Group A
  • Group B
  • Group C
  • Group D


​ •A组:美国面包师工会成员

​ •B组:组建俱乐部以获得团体保险的一小群人

​ •C组:肉豆蔻公司的全职员工

​ •D组:三月信用合作社的成员


  • A组
  • B组
  • C组
  • D组

5.The following two groups have applied for group life insurance coverage:

​ • A group consisting of the eligible employees of the Trystero Corporation; 25% of these employees have agreed to participate in the plan, which will be a contributory plan

​ • A group consisting of retired college professors; membership in the group is closed, and no new members will be joining the group

From the answer choices below, select the answer choice that correctly indicates whether, according to typical underwriting guidelines, each of these groups is likely to be insurable.

Employees of Trystero / Retired college professors

  • insurable insurable
  • insurable not insurable
  • not insurable insurable
  • not insurable not insurable


​ •由Trystero公司合格员工组成的小组;其中25%的员工已同意参与该计划,该计划将是一项供款计划

​ •一个由退休大学教授组成的小组;组中的成员资格已关闭,没有新成员将加入该组


Trystero的员工 / 退休大学教授

  • 可保 可保
  • 可保 不可保
  • 不可保 可保
  • 不可保 不可保

Lesson 2

Group Life Insurance【团体人寿保险】

Eligibility Requirements:

  • Probationary period: how long a new group member must wait before becoming eligible to enroll in the group insurance plan.

    • 试用期:新的团体成员必须等待多长时间才能有资格参加团体保险计划。
  • Coverage under a noncontributory group insurance is automatic; under a contributory plan, there is an eligibility period.

    • 非缴费团体保险的承保范围是自动的;根据缴费计划,有一个资格期
  • Enrollment after the eligibility period requires evidence of insurability.

    • 在资格期后注册需要有可保性的证据,资格期则不用。
  • Actively-at-work provision: Eligible employee must be at work on the day coverage is to take effect.

    • 在职活动条款:符合条件的雇员必须在保险生效当天上班。

Group Contract Provisions【团体合同条款】

Grace Period 宽限期

  • The grace period usually is 31 days.

  • Unlike an individual policyowner, who is not obligated to pay for coverage provided during the grace period, a group policyholder is legally obligated to pay for this coverage. 与个人投保人没有义务为宽限期内提供的保险付款不同,团体投保人在法律上有义务为该保险付款。

Incontestability Provision 不可抗辩条款

  • Limits the time during which the insurer can contest the validity of the contract. 限制保险公司对合同有效性提出质疑的时间。

  • Insurer can contest a group member’s coverage without contesting the group contract. 保险公司可以对团体成员的保险进行争议,而无需对团体合同提出异议。

Those who must provide evidence of insurability:

  • All eligible group members of a very small group applying for coverage 一个非常小的团体的所有符合条件的团体成员申请保险
  • A person enrolling in a contributory plan after the eligibility period 在资格期结束后,选择加入缴费计划的个人
  • A person who applies for more insurance coverage than the standard offering, or who applies for available supplemental coverage 申请比标准提供的更多保险 coverage,或者申请可用的附加保险 coverage 的个人

Insurance Termination and Conversion【保险终止及转换】

Termination of Coverage

  • Termination of the group policy. 终止团体保单

    • the group policyholder may terminate the policy at any time by notifying the insurer in writing. 集团保单持有人可随时书面通知保险公司终止保单。
    • the insurer may also have the right to terminate the group insurance policy on any premium due date if the group’s participation level falls below the required minimum 如果集团的参与水平低于要求的最低水平,保险公司也有权在任何保费到期日终止集团保险单
  • Group insured is no longer eligible for coverage, but group policy continues. 团体被保险人不再有资格享受保险,但团体保单仍在继续

    • If the group insured ceases to be a member of a class of persons eligible for coverage. 如果被保险人不再是有资格参加保险的一类人的成员。
    • If the group insured terminates employment or group membership 如果被保险团体终止雇佣关系或团体成员资格
    • If the group insured fails to make a required contribution to the premium 如果被保险人未能按规定缴纳保险费

Conversion Privilege

Allows a group insured to convert group coverage to individual coverage. 允许团体被保险人将团体保险转换为个人保险

  • When a policy terminates, conversion is limited to group insureds who have been covered by policy for a specified period, such as 5 years.

    • 当保单终止时,转换仅限于在指定期限(如5年)内受保单保障的团体被保险人。
  • An insured group member leaves his employer and gets coverage from a new employer. The amount of individual insurance coverage the insurer typically must offer = (Original coverage) minus (New coverage).

    • 被保险团体成员离开其雇主并从新雇主处获得保险。保险公司通常必须提供的个人保险金额=(原始保险)减去(新保险)。
  • A group insured typically has a 31-day conversion period to convert, usually without providing evidence of insurability.

    • 被保险人通常有31天的转换期,通常不提供可保性的证据。

Benefit Amounts【福利金额】

Benefit Schedules: A schedule included in a group life insurance policy that defines the amount of life insurance the policy provides for each insured.

福利计划表: 包含在团体人寿保险单中的一份计划表,规定了保单为每位被保险人提供的人寿保险金额。

Includes three categories:

  1. Flat amount 固定金额

  2. Based on salary 基于工资

  3. Based on job classification 根据工作分类

dependent coverage be less than the covered group member’s coverage.

Usually, insurers pay group life insurance policy death benefits in a lump sum to the named beneficiary. But some group policies allow a beneficiary to choose a settlement option. 通常,保险公司以一次性向指定的受益人支付团体人寿保险单死亡福利。但是,某些团体政策允许受益人选择一个人寿险赔款选项。

Settlement Options: 人寿险赔款选项

  • Lump sum option: The insurer pays the proceeds in a single payment.
    • 一次性付款方式:保险公司一次性付款。
  • Interest option: The insurer invests the policy proceeds and periodically pays interest on the proceeds.
    • 利息选择权:保险公司对保单收益进行投资,并定期支付收益利息。
  • Fixed amount option: The insurer pays the policy proceeds in equal installments for a specified period of time.
    • 固定金额选项:保险公司在指定的时间内等额分期支付保单收益。
  • Fixed period option: The insurer pays equal installments of a stated amount until the policy proceeds, plus the interest earned, are exhausted.
    • 固定期限选择权:保险公司按规定的金额等额分期付款,直到保单收益加上赚取的利息用完为止。
  • Life income option: The insurer pays the policy proceeds in periodic installments over the payee’s lifetime.
    • 终身收入选择:保险公司在收款人的一生中定期分期支付保单收益。

Features of the Group Plans【团体计划的特点】

Types of Group Life Insurance

  • Yearly renewable term (YRT) life insurance 年度可续期定期寿险

    • Typically, an employee can receive up to $50,000 of noncontributory group term insurance coverage tax free. An employee must pay federal income taxes on the employer’s cost of providing coverage over $50,000.
    • 通常,员工可以获得高达50000美元的非合作团体定期保险,无税。雇员必须为雇主提供超过50000美元的保险支付联邦所得税。
  • Accidental death and dismemberment (AD&D) benefits 意外身故及伤残(AD&D)福利

  • Group cash value life insurance plans 团体现金价值人寿保险计划

    • Group paid-up plans

      • For a typical group paid-up life insurance plan, the amount of paid-up insurance on each participating employee increases each year, and the amount of group term insurance that the employer must purchase for participating employees decreases each year.
      • 对于一个典型的团体自付人寿保险计划,每位参与雇员的自付保险金额每年都在增加,而雇主必须为参与雇员购买的团体定期保险金额每年都在减少。
      • The paid-up whole life coverage will continue in force even after he retires or leaves the group.
      • 即使在他退休或离开团队后,终身付费保险仍将继续有效。
    • Level premium whole life plans

      • The plan can be contributory or noncontributory. If the employee contributes, she has a vested right in the amount of the cash value provided by her premium contributions.
      • 该计划可以是供款或非供款。如果雇员供款,她对其供款所提供的现金价值拥有既得权利。
    • Group universal life plans

      • Group plan of cash value insurance that provides universal life insurance; covered group members usually pay the entire premium.
      • 提供通用寿险的现金价值保险团体计划;被保险的团体成员通常支付全部保费。
      • Coverage is portable. If she leaves her job, she can continue her coverage under the group plan.
      • 保险具有携带性。如果她离职,她可以继续享受团体保险。
  • Group creditor life 团体债权人寿险

    • Group life insurance issued to a creditor, such as a bank, to insure the lives of the creditor’s current and future debtors.
    • 向债权人(如银行)发行的团体人寿保险,为债权人当前和未来债务人的生命提供保险。
    • the amount of insurance Jerome has on his life equals the amount he owes on the credit card account.
    • Jerome的人寿保险金额等于他信用卡账户上的欠款。
    • the creditor is always the beneficiary of the coverage.
    • 债权人始终是保险的受益人。


1.Alice Chung started a new job with the Stardust Company. After Ms. Chung had worked full-time for Stardust for three months, she was eligible to participate in Stardust’s group life insurance plan. Ms. Chung will be given 31 days to enroll in the plan. The following statements are about this situation. Select the answer choice containing the correct statement.

  • Stardust’s group life insurance plan has an eligibility period of three months.
  • Stardust’s group life insurance plan is noncontributory.
  • If Ms. Chung decides to enroll in Stardust’s group life insurance plan during the 31-day period, she will not be required to submit evidence of her insurability.
  • If Ms. Chung decides to enroll in Stardust’s group life insurance plan during the 31-day period, she will have to pay all back premiums to cover the first three months of her employment withStardust


  • 星尘的团体人寿保险计划的有效期为三个月。
  • 星尘的团体人寿保险计划是非强制性缴费的。
  • 如果钟女士决定在31天内参加星尘的团体人寿保险计划,她将不需要提交可保性证据。
  • 如果钟女士决定在31天内参加星尘的团体人寿保险计划,她将不得不支付所有的保险费,以支付她在星尘工作的前三个月

2.Ruth Melnick has $50,000 of group life insurance coverage through her employer, the Origami Corporation. Origami’s plan, which is a typical group life insurance plan, also provides Ruth’s husband,David, with $10,000 of life insurance coverage. In this situation, (Ruth / Origami) has the right to name the beneficiary for Ruth’s coverage. In addition, (Ruth / David’s estate) will automatically benamed as the beneficiary for David’s coverage.

Ruth Melnick通过她的雇主折纸公司获得了50000美元的团体人寿保险。Origami的计划是一个典型的团体人寿保险计划,也为Ruth的丈夫David提供了10000美元的人寿保险。在这种情况下,(Ruth/Origami)有权指定Ruth保险的受益人。此外,(Ruth/David的遗产)将自动成为David保险的受益人。

3.The following statements are about the standard grace period provision and the incontestability provision included in group life insurance policies. Select the answer choice containing the correctstatement.

  • The incontestability provision prohibits an insurer from contesting an individual group member’s coverage without contesting the validity of the master group contract itself.

  • For group life insurance policies, the incontestability provision must specify a contestability period of at least five years.

  • The grace period provision specifies that, if the group policy terminates for nonpayment of premiums, then the group policyholder is legally obligated to pay for the coverage provided during thegrace period.

  • The grace period provision specifies that, if a premium is not paid by its due date, the group policyholder has a three-month period in which to pay the premium without losing coverage.


  • 不可抗辩条款禁止保险人在不质疑主集团合同本身有效性的情况下对单个集团成员的保险范围提出质疑。
  • 对于团体人寿保险单,不可抗辩条款必须规定至少五年的可抗辩期。
  • 宽限期条款规定,如果集团保单因未支付保费而终止,则集团投保人有法律义务支付宽限期内提供的保险。
  • 宽限期规定,如果保险费未在到期日前支付,集团投保人有三个月的时间支付保险费,而不会失去保险。

4.Tanya Perry, age 45, quit her job with the Pagoda Company. Ms. Perry would like to convert the group life insurance coverage she had from Pagoda to an individual policy. Pagoda’s group policy contains a typical conversion provision. The following statement(s) can correctly be made about this situation:

​ A. Ms. Perry has 31 days after the termination of her group coverage to convert the coverage to an individual policy without providing evidence of her insurability.

​ B. The premium rate that Ms. Perry will pay for the individual policy will be the same premium rate she paid for her group coverage.

  • Both A and B
  • A only
  • B only
  • Neither A nor B

45岁的Tanya Perry辞去了她在宝塔公司的工作。Perry女士想将她从Pagoda获得的团体人寿保险转换为个人保单。Pagoda的团体政策包含一个典型的转换条款。关于这种情况,可以正确地做出以下陈述:

​ a.Perry女士在团体保险终止后有31天的时间将保险转换为个人保单,而无需提供其可保性的证据。

​ b.Perry女士为个人保单支付的保费率将与她为团体保险支付的保费相同。

  • A和B
  • 仅A
  • 仅限B
  • 既不是A也不是B

5.The Wisteria Corporation offers group life insurance to its 500 employees according to the following benefit schedule:

Annual Salary Amount of Life Insurance
Less than $50,000 1 × salary
$50,000 to $100,000 2 × salary
Over $100,000 3 × salary

Graham Spader, a Wisteria employee, earns a salary of \$75,000. Wisteria’s plan also offers group life insurance coverage to an employee’s dependents, and Graham has coverage on his wife, Angela.Assuming that Wisteria’s group life insurance plan is typical, the amount of group life insurance that Graham is eligible for is equal to

  • $75,000, and the amount of group life insurance that Angela receives is equal to the amount that Graham receives
  • $75,000, and the amount of group life insurance that Angela receives is less than the amount that Graham receives
  • $150,000, and the amount of group life insurance that Angela receives is equal to the amount that Graham receives
  • $150,000, and the amount of group life insurance that Angela receives is less than the amount that Graham receives


年薪 人寿保险金额
低于50000美元 1倍工资
50000至100000美元 2倍工资
超过100000美元 3倍工资

Graham Spader是紫藤公司的一名员工,工资为75000美元。Wisteria的计划还为员工的家属提供团体人寿保险,Graham为他的妻子Angela提供保险。假设Wisteria的团体人寿保险计划是典型的,Graham有资格参加的团体人寿险金额等于

  • 75000美元,Angela获得的团体人寿保险金额等于Graham获得的金额
  • 75000美元,Angela获得的团体人寿保险金额低于Graham获得的金额
  • 150000美元,Angela获得的团体人寿保险金额等于Graham获得的金额
  • 150000美元,Angela获得的团体人寿保险金额低于Graham获得的金额

6.For this question, if answer choices (1) through (3) are all correct, select answer choice (4). Otherwise, select the one correct answer choice.Group cash value life insurance plans can be structured as group paid-up plans, group level premium whole life plans, and group universal life plans. Correct statements about these types of cashvalue plans include

  • that, for group paid-up plans, the paid-up coverage decreases over time, whereas the yearly renewable term (YRT) coverage increases over time
  • that, under a noncontributory level premium whole life plan, the employee has a vested right in the policy’s cash value
  • that one advantage of group universal life plans is that the coverage is portable
  • all of the above


  • 对于团体付费计划,付费覆盖范围会随着时间的推移而减少,而年度可续期(YRT)覆盖范围会随时间的推移增加
  • 根据非报酬水平的终身保费计划,员工对保单的现金价值享有既得权利
  • 团体通用人寿保险的一个优点是保险范围是可移植的
  • 以上所有内容

7.The Lonestar Bank recently granted Yuliana Cruz a \$100,000 loan. Yuliana also obtained \$100,000 of group creditor life insurance through Lonestar. Yuliana died while still owing Lonestar \$40,000 on the loan. From the answer choices below, select the response that correctly indicates the beneficiary of Yuliana’s coverage and the amount of insurance in force at the time of her death.

Beneficiary of Yuliana’s coverage? / Amount of insurance?

  • Yuliana’s estate $40,000
  • Yuliana’s estate $100,000
  • Lonestar $40,000
  • Lonestar $100,000

孤星银行最近向Yuliana Cruz提供了10万美元的贷款。Yuliana还通过Lonestar获得了价值10万美元的集团债权人人寿保险。尤莉安娜去世时还欠Lonestar 4万美元的贷款。从下面的答案中,选择正确显示Yuliana保险受益人和她去世时有效保险金额的答案。

Yuliana保险的受益人?/ 保险金额?

  • Yuliana的遗产 40000美元
  • Yuliana的遗产 100000美元
  • Lonestar 40000美元
  • Lonestar 100000美元

Lesson 3

Group Retirement Plans【团体退休计划】


  • plan sponsor: An employer or union that establishes a retirement plan for the benefit of their employees or members.
    • 计划发起人:为雇员或成员的利益制定退休计划的雇主或工会。
  • plan participant: An employee or union member covered by a group retirement plan.
    • 计划参与者:集团退休计划所涵盖的员工或工会成员。
  • plan administrator: The party that is responsible for the administrative aspects of a retirement plan’s operation.
    • 计划管理员:负责退休计划运行管理方面的一方。
  • summary plan description: A written document that is understandable by the average plan participant and that reasonably informs participants and beneficiaries of their rights and obligations under the plan.
    • 计划概述:一份普通计划参与者可以理解的书面文件,并合理地告知参与者和受益人其在计划下的权利和义务。

Sources of Funds
Retirement plans can have the following sources of funds:

  1. Contributions made by the plan sponsor 计划发起人的捐款
  2. Contributions made by the plan participants 计划参与者的贡献
  3. Investment/interest earnings on all contributions 全部出资的投资/利息收益


Employer-sponsored Retirement Plans【雇主赞助的退休计划】

qualified plan: A retirement plan that receives favorable income tax treatment by meeting the requirements of U.S. tax laws and the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA).

ERISA Requirements:ERISA的要求

  • A qualified retirement plan can’t favor highly compensated employees
    • 合格的退休计划不可能有利于高薪员工
  • Plan assets must be held in a trust account at a financial institution for the exclusive benefit of employees or their beneficiaries
    • 计划资产必须存放在金融机构的信托账户中,仅用于员工或其受益人的利益
  • The plan sponsor must provide certain reports to plan participants and governmental agencies
    • 计划发起人必须向计划参与者和政府机构提供某些报告
  • The plan must meet certain minimum vesting requirements regarding a participant’s right to receive plan benefits
    • 该计划必须满足一些最低归属要求,关于参与者获得计划福利的权利。

Vesting Schedules: 投资方式

  • Employees are immediately vested in 100 percent of their own retirement plan contributions. 员工的退休计划投资是立即生效的,即100%的员工投资。
  • Employer contributions vest according to one of two types of vesting schedules: 雇主的退休计划投资有两种不同的生效方式
    • Graded vesting (or step vesting) 等级生效(或步进生效):这种方式是按照一定比例的年数进行投资,比如每年投资10%,投资10年后,雇主的投资比例将达到100%
    • Cliff vesting 顶峰生效(或峰值生效):这种方式是从开始投资的那一刻开始,雇主的投资比例就达到100%,无需等待。

Defined Benefit and Defined Contribution Retirement Plans【固定收益和固定供款退休计划】

  • defined benefit (DB) plan: A retirement plan that specifies the amount of the benefit that each plan participant will receive at retirement.

    • 固定收益(DB)计划:指定每个计划参与者在退休时将获得的收益金额的退休计划。
    • 计划发起人必须留出足够的资金来支付承诺的福利,有义务每年至少提前为计划规定福利的一部分提供资金。公式不会告诉发起人这将花费多少。
    • 计划发起人可从其当前应纳税所得额中扣除其代表计划参与人缴纳的金额,作为其缴纳当年的营业费用。
    • 计划发起人承担所有投资风险。
    • 计划参与者不进行供款,通常每月领取由年金提供的退休福利,退休福利金保证在参与者的一生中持续支付,由养老金福利担保公司(PBGC)担保。
  • defined contribution (DC) plan: A retirement plan in which retirement benefits are determined by contributions (employer and employee) and investment results.

    • 固定缴款(DC)计划:退休福利由供款(雇主和雇员)和投资结果决定的退休计划。
    • 计划发起人为每个员工建立一个账户,代表雇员的雇主供款将分配到该雇员的帐户,投资收益和费用也分配到参与者的账户。
    • 参与者的退休福利金额取决于参与者的账户余额,因此无法在退休日期前很长时间内准确预测。

Defined Contribution Plans vs. Defined Benefit Plans:

  • DC participants typically control the investment of their retirement funds but also assume the investment risk
    • DC参与者通常控制其退休基金的投资,但也承担投资风险
  • DC participants have the potential of a higher investment return than is generally earned by a DB plan
    • DC参与者具有比DB计划通常获得的投资回报更高的潜力
  • DC participants can often contribute, within limits, extra amounts of money to boost the balance of their accounts
    • DC参与者通常可以在一定范围内提供额外金额,以提高其帐户余额
  • DC participants may have emergency access to the funds in their accounts before retirement
    • DC参与者可在退休前紧急使用其账户中的资金

Defined Contribution (DC) Plans【固定缴款(DC)计划】

  • 401(k) plan: In the United States, a type of retirement plan that allows employees to make contributions on a pre-tax basis.
    • 401(k)计划:美国的一种退休计划,允许雇员在税前供款。
    • 雇主只有在雇员同意缴纳一定比例的工资的情况下,才能向雇员的401(k)账户提供匹配的供款。
    • 投资收益通常是递延纳税的,退休时,雇员从计划中提取税前供款和投资收益时,应缴纳所得税。提前提取需要缴纳额外的罚款税。
    • 在雇员从计划中提取供款之前,雇主为雇员提供的供款不被视为当期应税收入。

Traditional 401(k)员工缴纳的费用是税前的,即在计算员工的所得税之前,从员工的工资中扣除缴费。然而,在取款时,这些金额会受到税收。晚些纳税

Roth 401(k)员工缴纳的费用是税后的,即在计算缴费之前就已经支付了税款。但是,一般情况下,在取款时这些金额是不应纳税的。提前纳税

Traditional 401(k) Roth 401(k)
Employee Pre-Tax Contributions? Yes, subject to limits No
Employee Post-Tax Contributions? May be allowed, in addition to pre-tax All contributions are post-tax, subject to limits
Income tax paid on contributions when they are withdrawn? Yes, on pre-tax contributions No
Income tax paid on investment earnings when they are withdrawn? Yes No, provided certain conditions are met

Roth 401(k) investment earnings can be withdrawn tax-free and penalty-free(免税、免罚款) IF

• The account has been open for at least five years, AND

• The account owner

  1. Is at least age 59 ½ OR
  2. Has died OR
  3. Has become disabled OR
  4. Is a first-time homebuyer.

  • pension plan: A lifetime monthly income benefit that begins at retirement.

    • 养老金计划:从退休时开始的终身月收入福利。
  • Section 403(b) plan: In the United States, a type of retirement savings plan that is established by not-for-profit employers, including schools and colleges, for the benefit of employees and that allows both employers and employees to make specified contributions to the plan that reduce current taxable income.

    • 403(b) 计划:在美国,这是一种由非营利雇主(包括学校和大学)设立的退休储蓄计划,旨在为雇员提供福利。该计划允许雇主和雇员都向计划中进行特定的缴纳,以减少当前应纳税收入。
  • Section 457 plan: In the United States, an arrangement that allows state and local governments and their employees to make contributions to a tax-deferred savings plan established for the benefit of employees.

    • 457计划:在美国,这是一种允许州和地方政府及其雇员向为员工福利而设立的税延储蓄计划进行缴纳的安排。
  • profit-sharing plan: A defined contribution retirement plan that is funded primarily by cash contributions from the employer’s profits.

    • 利润分享计划:主要由雇主利润中的现金出资的固定缴款退休计划。
  • stock bonus plan: A retirement plan into which a plan sponsor that is a stock company makes contributions on behalf of plan participants in the form of the corporation’s stock.

    • 股票红利计划:一种退休计划,计划发起人是一家股份公司,代表计划参与者以公司股票的形式出资。

Retirement Plans for Small Business Owners and the Self-Employed【小企业主和个体经营者的退休计划】

Small businesses and the self-employed have several retirement plan options that do not have to comply fully with ERISA, including

  • SEP (simplified employee pension): In the United States, a tax-advantaged employer-sponsored retirement plan in which an employer establishes and makes contributions into an IRA for each participating employee.

    • SEP(简化雇员养老金):在美国,一种税收优惠的雇主赞助的退休计划,其中雇主为每位参与计划的雇员建立个人退休账户并向其缴款。
    • SEP = Simplified Employee Pension and IRA = Individual Retirement Arrangement
    • A SEP is funded by employer contributions only, an employee is always 100% vested in his SEP IRA SEP 仅由雇主供款供资,雇员始终100%归属于其SEP IRA
  • SIMPLE IRA: In the United States, a tax-advantaged retirement plan that may be established by small employers with 100 or fewer employees, including self-employed individuals. Both the employer and employee can make contributions, up to a specified maximum, to an IRA that the employer has established for the employee.

    • 简单的个人退休计划:在美国,一种税收优惠的退休计划,可由雇员不超过100人的小雇主建立,包括个体经营者。雇主和雇员都可以向雇主为雇员建立的个人退休账户供款,最高可达到规定的上限。
    • an employee is always 100% vested in all SIMPLE IRA contributions 员工始终100%享有所有简单的IRA供款
    • Employer contributions are excluded from the employee’s current taxable income 雇主供款不包括在雇员当前的应税收入中
  • SIMPLE 401(k): In the United States, a qualified retirement plan that may be established by small employers with 100 or fewer employees, including self-employed individuals. Both the employer and the employee can make contributions to the 401(k) plan up to a specified maximum.

    • 简单401(k):在美国,一种合格的退休计划,可由雇员不超过100人的小雇主(包括个体经营者)建立。雇主和雇员都可以向401(k)计划供款,最高可达规定的上限。
    • 雇主供款不包括在雇员当前的应税收入中。
  • Keogh Plan: In the United States, a qualified retirement plan set up by a self-employed individual, sole proprietorship, or partnership to which the business or individual can make annual tax-deductible contributions, subject to certain limits and conditions.

    • 基奥计划(Keogh Plan):在美国,由个体经营者、独资企业或合伙企业设立的合格退休计划,企业或个人可根据特定限制和条件每年向其缴纳可抵扣税款的供款。
    • The business or individual makes annual tax-deductible contributions, subject to certain limits and conditions 企业或个人每年缴纳可抵扣税款,但须遵守一定的限制和条件
    • Investment earnings are tax-deferred 投资收益是递延税款
    • Contribution limits are higher than for SEP and SIMPLE plans, but Keoghs are more complex to set up and administer 供款限额高于SEP和简单计划,但KEOGH的设置和管理更为复杂


1.The Metro Company established a group retirement plan for the benefit of its employees and appointed Adele Loy, the director of human resources at Metro, as the person responsible formaintaining accurate records on all plan participants, preparing required reports for government agencies, and providing participants with information about the plan. The plan’s assets are held in atrust account at the Pearl Insurance Company, which provides an annuity for each participant at retirement. With regard to the parties involved in a retirement plan, Metro is a

  • plan participant
  • plan administrator
  • funding vehicle
  • plan sponsor

Metro公司为其员工的利益制定了一项集团退休计划,并任命Metro人力资源总监Adele Loy作为负责人,负责保存所有计划参与者的准确记录,为政府机构编制所需报告,并向参与者提供有关计划的信息。该计划的资产存放在珍珠保险公司的一个托管账户中,该公司为每个退休的参与者提供年金。对于涉及退休计划的各方,Metro是

  • 计划参与者
  • 计划管理员
  • 融资工具
  • 计划发起人

2.In order to receive tax-advantaged status, an employee benefit plan, such as a retirement plan, must satisfy the requirements of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA). According toERISA requirements, a retirement plan must

  • provide certain reports to governmental agencies
  • favor highly compensated employees
  • stipulate that employees are immediately and fully vested in benefits provided by employer contributions
  • satisfy all of the above


  • 向政府机构提供特定报告
  • 青睐高薪员工
  • 规定雇员立即完全享有雇主供款提供的福利
  • 满足以上所有要求

3.The Cricket Corporation offers a qualified retirement plan to its eligible employees. This plan is a type of defined benefit plan known as a pension plan. One correct statement about Cricket’s retirement plan is that

  • it allows the plan participants to make contributions to the plan
  • it provides plan participants with a monthly income benefit that begins at retirement and continues for life
  • the plan participants assume the investment risk for the plan
  • the plan benefits are portable for any employees who leave Cricket before retirement


  • 它允许计划参与者对计划作出贡献
  • 它为计划参与者提供从退休开始并持续终生的每月收入福利
  • 计划参与人承担本计划的投资风险
  • 该计划福利适用于任何在退休前离开板球俱乐部的员工

4.The following statement(s) can correctly be made about the federal income tax treatment of contributions to and earnings from a qualified defined contribution retirement plan in the United States:

​ A. A plan sponsor’s contributions on behalf of a plan participant are generally considered to be taxable income to the participant in the year in which the contributions are made.

​ B. Plan participants do not pay taxes on their contributions or investment earnings until those amounts are withdrawn from the plan.

  • Both A and B
  • A only
  • B only
  • Neither A nor B




  • A和B
  • A仅限
  • B仅限
  • 既不是A也不是B

5.Employees may be given a choice between contributing to a traditional 401(k) plan or a Roth 401(k) plan. In a traditional 401(k) plan, employee contributions are (pre-tax / post-tax) contributions.Under a Roth 401(k) plan, investment earnings on contributions are subject to (tax-deferred accrual / tax-free withdrawal), provided certain conditions are met.

员工可以选择为传统的401(k)计划或Roth 401(k)计划供款。在传统的401(k)计划中,员工供款是(税前/税后)供款。根据Roth 401(k)计划,如果满足某些条件,供款的投资收益将受到(递延应计税款/免税提取)的限制。

6.Examples of retirement plans for small employers include a Keogh Plan, a Savings Incentive Match Plan for Employees (SIMPLE) 401(k) plan, a Simplified Employee Pension (SEP), and a SIMPLE IRA. The following statements are about these plans. Select the answer choice containing the correct statement.

  • A Keogh plan cannot be used by a self-employed person.
  • Unlike traditional 401(k) plans, SIMPLE 401(k) plans do not permit employer contributions to be excluded from the employee’s current taxable income.
  • A SEP is funded by employee contributions only.
  • An employee is always 100% vested in all SIMPLE IRA contributions.


  • Keogh计划不能由个体经营者使用。
  • 与传统的401(k)计划不同,简单的401(k)计划不允许将雇主供款排除在雇员当前的应税收入之外。
  • SEP仅由员工供款提供资金。
  • 雇员总是100%享有所有简单的IRA供款。


1.On August 1, Lynn Vaughn was hired by the Rockwall Corporation. Rockwall’s group life insurance policy has a 3-month probationary period and a 31-day eligibility period. The plan also contains anreturn to work until November 5. In this situation, the earliest date that Ms. Vaughn can enroll for Rockwall’s group life insurance coverage is

  • October 31
  • November 5
  • November 30
  • October 31 of the following year

8月1日,Lynn Vaughn被Rockwall公司聘用。Rockwall的团体人寿保险政策有3个月的试用期和31天的合格期。该计划还包括11月5日前的复工计划。在这种情况下,Vaughn女士参加Rockwall集团人寿保险的最早日期为

  • 10月31日
  • 11月5日
  • 11月30日
  • 次年10月31日

2.The Startsky Corporation offers a defined benefit qualified retirement plan to its eligible employees. One key feature of Startsky’s defined benefit plan is that

  • Startsky assumes the investment risk for the plan
  • plan participants can transfer their benefits to another employer when they leave Startsky
  • Startsky, as well as plan participants, can contribute to the plan
  • plan participants’ retirement benefits are unknown until retirement


  • Startsky承担该计划的投资风险
  • 计划参与者可以在离开Startsky时将其福利转移给其他雇主
  • Startsky以及计划参与者可以为计划做出贡献
  • 计划参与者的退休福利在退休前是未知的

3.The Rosebud Corporation offers group life insurance coverage to its 300 employees according to the following benefit schedule:

Annual Salary Amount of Life Insurance
Less than $100,000 1 × salary
$100,000 to $200,000 2 × salary
Over $200,000 3 × salary

Teresa Carter, a Rosebud employee, earns a salary of \$125,000. Rosebud’s plan also offers group life insurance coverage to an employee’s dependents, and Teresa has coverage on her husband,Daniel. Assuming that Rosebud’s group life insurance plan is typical, the amount of group life insurance coverage that Teresa is eligible for is equal to

  • $125,000, and the amount of group life insurance coverage that Daniel is eligible to receive is equal to the amount that Teresa receives
  • $125,000, and the amount of group life insurance coverage that Daniel is eligible to receive is less than the amount that Teresa receives
  • $250,000, and the amount of group life insurance coverage that Daniel is eligible to receive is equal to the amount that Teresa receives
  • $250,000, and the amount of group life insurance coverage that Daniel is eligible to receive is less than the amount that Teresa receives

Rosebud Corporation根据以下福利计划为其300名员工提供团体人寿保险:

年薪 人寿保险金额
10万美元以下 1倍工资
10万美元至20万美元 2倍工资
20万美元 3倍工资


  • 125000美元,Daniel有资格获得的团体人寿保险金额等于Teresa获得的金额
  • 125000美元,且Daniel有资格获得的团体人寿保险金额小于Teresa获得的金额
  • 250000美元,Daniel有资格获得的团体人寿保险金额等于Teresa获得的金额
  • 250000美元,Daniel有资格获得的团体人寿保险金额低于Teresa获得的金额

4.The following groups have applied for group life insurance coverage from the Archbell Insurance Company:

• Group A—People who are members of a national association of landscapers

• Group B—Six ski team members formed a club solely to get a group insurance policy

• Group C—Members of the Barret Credit Union

• Group D—The full-time employees of the Lakeside Corporation

Of these groups, the one that, based on the reason for its existence, will likely fail to qualify for group insurance coverage is

  • Group A
  • Group B
  • Group C
  • Group D







  • A组
  • B组
  • C组
  • D组

5.In order to provide its employees with life insurance coverage, the Yanzee Corporation entered into a group life insurance contract with the Proudlion Insurance Company. Wade Aberdeen is a Yanzeeemployee who is covered by this group insurance plan. Mr. Aberdeen (is / is not) a party to this group insurance contract. In this situation, Mr. Aberdeen is known as a group (insured /policyholder).


6.In order to receive tax-advantaged status, a retirement plan must satisfy the requirements of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA). To satisfy ERISA requirements, a retirement planmust

A. Provide certain reports to plan participants and governmental agencies

B. Meet certain minimum vesting requirements

C. Favor highly compensated employees

D. Provide that plan assets are held by an insurance company or a trust to protect their safety

  • A, B, C,and D
  • A,B,and C only
  • A, B,and D only
  • C and D only


A、 向计划参与者和政府机构提供特定报告

B、 满足某些最低归属要求

C、 青睐高薪员工

D、 规定计划资产由保险公司或信托机构持有,以保护其安全

  • A、B、C和D
  • 仅A、B和C
  • 仅A、B和D
  • 仅C和D

7.One characteristic of a traditional 401(k) plan is that

  • employees never pay taxes on their own contributions to the plan
  • employees never pay taxes on employer contributions to the plan
  • employee contributions are made on a pre-tax basis
  • account balances are guaranteed not to lose the principal investment amount


  • 员工从不为自己的计划供款纳税
  • 雇员从不为雇主对计划的供款缴税
  • 员工供款以税前为基础
  • 保证账户余额不会损失本金投资金额

8.The Billingsley Corporation offers group life insurance coverage to its eligible employees through a contract with the Redrider Insurance Company. Redrider is responsible for handling theadministrative and recordkeeping aspects of this plan. Billingsley pays a portion of the premium for this group life insurance plan, and Billingsley’s participating employees pay the rest. This information indicates that Billingsley’s group life insurance plan is both

  • a self-administered plan and a contributory plan
  • a self-administered plan and a noncontributory plan
  • an insurer-administered plan and a contributory plan
  • an insurer-administered plan and a noncontributory plan


  • 自我管理计划和缴款计划
  • 自我管理计划和非贡献计划
  • 保险公司管理的计划和供款计划
  • 保险公司管理计划和非供款计划

9.Premiums for group life insurance policies are usually paid (monthly / annually). For group life insurance policies, the grace period provision usually specifies a grace period of (7 / 31) days.


10.The Hummingbird Corporation provides contributory group life insurance coverage to its eligible employees through a group life insurance contract with the Lostway Insurance Company. Jason Shaw, a Hummingbird employee, enrolled in the group life insurance plan after the end of the eligibility period. In the health questionnaire that Mr. Shaw filled out, he misrepresented his health in a way that was material to the risk. When Mr. Shaw died six months later, Lostway discovered the misrepresentation. Hummingbird’s group life insurance contract specified a typical contestable period. In thissituation, Lostway most likely is permitted to contest the validity of

  • both the group life insurance contract and Mr. Shaw’s coverage
  • the group life insurance contract, but not Mr. Shaw’s coverage
  • Mr. Shaw’s coverage, but not the group life insurance contract
  • neither the group life insurance contract nor Mr. Shaw’s coverage

Hummingbird公司通过与Lostway保险公司签订团体人寿保险合同,为其合格员工提供团体人寿保险。Jason Shaw是一名蜂鸟公司的员工,在资格期结束后加入了团体人寿保险计划。在肖先生填写的健康调查问卷中,他以一种对风险至关重要的方式歪曲了自己的健康状况。六个月后肖先生去世时,Lostway发现了这一误传。Hummingbird的团体人寿保险合同规定了一个典型的有争议的期限。在这种情况下,Lostway很可能被允许质疑

  • 团体人寿保险合同和Shaw先生的保险范围
  • 团体人寿保险合同,但不包括Shaw先生的保险范围
  • Shaw先生的保险范围,但不是团体人寿保险合同
  • 团体人寿保险合同和Shaw先生的保险范围